Neterium SRL


Pascal Aerens Really Does Want to Make the World a Better Place

Pascal Aerens Really Does Want to Make the World a Better Place

Pascal Aerens Really Does Want to Make the World a Better Place And at Neterium, we know it :-)

A big thank you to Ali Paterson, Chloe Butler and the entire Fintech Finance News team for this great interview at the FF Salon for Sibos 2022 with Pascal Aerens, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Neterium.

"Only 2% of financial crime is stopped. There is a lot of room for improvement. And at Neterium, we are on a mission to make the world a better place. We have been in this (i.e. the sanctions and financial crime prevention industry) for more than 20 years. Nowadays, all transactions are digital, and people want to see their transactions done instantaneously, so stopping those transactions is much more complex than when it was traditional transactions that took days, so you had time for the control."

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