Luc Meurant, CEO of #Neterium, and Elie Lasker, User Success Engineer take part in the #universwiftnet event, in the heart of #Paris at the Palais Brongniart on Thursday 9 June 2022
Univers SWIFTNET brings together BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, ING, Société Générale, SWIFT and UTSIT each year for a large meeting at the Stock Exchange with more than 30 other partners (banks, software publishers, service companies and consulting firms). This event is an opportunity to take stock of the latest techniques in the bank-company relationship.
Luc will discuss with Brice ALLIGNON, Senior Treasury Consultant #UTSIT, at 12.15 pm on the subject:
"UTSIT: Payment filtering: embargoes and sanctions, money laundering and terrorist financing"